GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE prizes will be awarded to students on each of the following technical areas: 1) Land and water management. 2) Structures and environment. 3) Plant production. 4) Energy in agriculture. 5) System management. 6) Bioprocesses. 7) Information technology. In addition, one PLATINUM prize will be awarded. A total of 22 prizes will be awarded.
Every GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE winner will receive an award certificate. In addition an individual winner or team will receive a cash award of US$500 for GOLD, US$300 for SILVER, and US$200 for BRONZE.
The PLATINUM prize winner will be selected amongst the GOLD winners. The PLATINUM prize winner will receive full funding to the CIGR World Congress on June, 2026, in Torino, Italy. This will include air travel and local transportation, hotel, per diem and conference registration.
A one page description of the project that includes: 1) Title of the project. 2) Student's name and email. 3) Agricultural, Biological or Biosystems Engineering issue addressed by the project and objective. 4) Description of the solution implemented. 5) Conclusion. (pdf file) Please use 12 Courier font, single spaced, with one inch margins. Page limits will be strongly enforced.
A three minute video of the student presenting the project. Time limit will be strictly enforced.
Proof of enrollment in an undergraduate program related to agricultural, biological, biosystems or any closely related field.
A letter on official letterhead from faculty advisor recommending the project and a brief statement of its quality and potential beneficial outcomes.